
domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2012

More snow...

Hello! Today I was in EF Blogbook and I love to read the resume about my blog... I just read: "one of our awesome student bloggers from EF New York"... and this make me feel so proud of my "job". That's why I'm writing in English, just to say thanks to amazing work because without the teacher's work I never can write in English!

But how a normal post I will speak about my day in my favorite city :)
Today my homesick knocked in the door of my heart hahaha so I decided go to Manhattan alone... oh wait, to go alone is too sad, then I decided to invite my friend Caroline! We went to Times Square - like ever - we passed in Forever 21 - of course - and after TGIF Fridays... omg, I got some weights in this exchange almost 7kg that's so much... I will return to Brazil like a big ball hahahaha but anyway, before Manhattan I took some pictures in Tarrytown <3 and I'm so in love for this city under the snow... look the pictures:

This view are so captivating, isn't it? Everytime when I go out I always remember my relatives - like mommy, daddy, brother, aunt Lu, Dani and Tiana, grandmother, grandfather - I miss they so much and wanted to share this moment with everybody!

Ok, tomorrow I have classes so early but I just discovered... when I go to sleep some hours before the classes (like 5 hours)... I wake up so quickly and better to enjoy my day... good night =)

With love, Bru.
See you soon!

3 comentários:

  1. Essas fotos ficaram maravilhosas! Eu quero ver neve tambééééém!

  2. Essas fotos ficaram simplesmente lindas, a terceira foto da casinha, deixa a gente com vontade de tomar um chocolate quente:)

  3. Adoro os teus posts! Dão me uma ideia do que é a EF New York e como é a experiência!!! Continua :)


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